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Dr. Anna Anderson, O.D., is fresh out of optometry school and ready to serve West Tennessee.
By Lyndsey Summers
lsummers@mckenziebanner.com | 8/1/23 |
NASHVILLE — Secretary of State Tre Hargett welcomed Bethel University Student Government Association (SGA) President Gracelyn Eaves to the annual College Civic Engagement Luncheon in Nashville on Thursday, July 13.
2023 is a year of firsts for Renee Sutton. After concluding year 18 of teaching at Camden Central High School, Sutton is taking an administrative leap at Carroll Academy in Huntingdon. Since starting her new position as Assistant Director of Carroll Academy on June 1, she has taken an administration job for the first time, she has written her first grant, and more.
By Lyndsey Summers
lsummers@mckenziebanner.com | 7/25/23 |
JACKSON — Contestants for the 2023 Miss Tennessee Volunteer Pageant checked in at the Carl Perkins Civic Center in Jackson on Saturday, July 22, officially starting Tennessee’s biggest pageant of the season and its festivities. Pageant rounds begin Wednesday, July 26, and end Saturday, July 29. Four women represent Carroll County at the 2023 pageant.
McKENZIE — Bethel Associate Athletic Director of Communications/Sports Information Director Dave McCulley announced popular McKenzie radio broadcaster Craig Lunn is joining the Wildcat broadcast team. Lunn will be the color analyst for Bethel football this fall and selected games during the basketball season.
Bruceton’s First United Methodist Church and New Hope Methodist Church of Vale extend a heartfelt welcome to their new pastor, Brother James Ellington, a certified lay minister from Jackson, Tenn. Preaching full time since 2019, Brother James served as pastor of Lester’s Chapel Methodist Church and Mount Carmen United Methodist Church, both of Jackson, and the Montezuma United Methodist Church of Henderson.
Beta Club members from across the nation have worked for months in preparation for the National Beta Convention this summer. West Carroll Elementary and West Carroll Junior/Senior High School won big this year, with Junior Beta member Aubrey Hammett making history as the first National Junior Beta Secretary-elect from West Carroll.
CHATTANOOGA — Chase Daffron, a 2019 McKenzie High School graduate, put the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) on the map recently by being named one of the best collegiate players in both Call of Duty and club baseball.
McKENZIE (July 11) — Williams Furniture celebrated an employee’s milestone retirement last Tuesday, July 11. Peggy Hopper announced her well-deserved retirement after a 42-year long career at Williams Furniture in McKenzie. Williams Furniture owner Phil Williams threw a Hawaiian-themed retirement party for Hopper on Tuesday afternoon, complete with tropical leis and a cake congratulating Hopper on her retirement.
McKENZIE (July 11) — The 2023-24 school year is a year of change, according to McKenzie Special School District Career Technical Education (CTE) Director Susan Dyer. As career paths and opportunities change alongside vast technological advances, McKenzie schools will begin preparing students for a technologically-saturated world with the help of Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee’s Innovative School Model (ISM) grant.
By Lyndsey Summers
lsummers@mckenziebanner.com | 7/18/23 |
NASHVILLE (July 7) — Leadership Tennessee, a collective with a mission to foster non-partisan dialogue on issues of state importance, has named Carroll County Mayor Joseph Butler to its 2023–2024 Signature Program Class X (class number 10).
PARIS — Sally Lane’s Candy Farm may have new owners and a new location, but its legacy is stronger than ever.
By Lyndsey Summers
lsummers@mckenziebanner.com | 7/14/23 |
McKENZIE (July 6) — Ice bucket challenges were really popular a few years ago. The concept was to fill a five-gallon bucket with iced water and dump that water on someone’s head as a fundraiser. A recent fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital took the concept to the extreme: ice water from the bucket of a front-end loader. That followed a pie in the face by Johnathan St. Clair. Will Walker had the pleasure of operating the bucket as he eased the levers forward to dump the water on Trent Johnson and Trent’s granddaughter, Lila Colvin.
McKENZIE (JULY 4) — Meet Toby, McKenzie Police Department’s new canine officer.
By Joel Washburn
washburn@mckenziebanner.com | 7/11/23 |
Michael Schaffer, a student at Tennessee College of Applied Technology-McKenzie, received a Skill Point Certificate in the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) 5-Axis Milling Programmer program during the 2023 SkillsUSA Championships. The CNC 5-Axis Milling Programmer is a cutting machine that is moved in five different directions and monitored by a numerical computer control rather than by hand.
Paige Costello, a rising tenth grade homeschooler and member of Carroll County 4-H, is the national winner of the 4-H Beekeeping Essay contest. The contest is sponsored by the Foundation for the Preservation of Honeybees, Inc.
Kameshia Moxley was new to the pageant scene when she was crowned Miss Bethel University Volunteer in November 2022. When she moved to Tennessee to attend college, walking on the Miss Tennessee Volunteer stage one day did not even cross her mind.
By Lyndsey Summers
lsummers@mckenziebanner.com | 7/4/23 |
Addi Poole watched the Miss Tennessee pageants every year. She looked forward to the days when Miss Tennessee visited her school. Miss Tennessee was someone she could look up to and someone who made her feel seen. When Poole attended the Miss Tennessee pageant 2015 to support Paris native Hannah Robison, her entire perspective of the contest changed. Seeing someone from just across the road win the pageant proved she also had a chance to win one day and represent her community and state.
By Lyndsey Summers
lsummers@mckenziebanner.com | 7/4/23 |
Emma Martin is no stranger to the Miss Tennessee Volunteer stage, but the beauty queen said this year’s pageant might be her last.
By Lyndsey Summers
lsummers@mckenziebanner.com | 7/4/23 |
McKENZIE — After 10 years as President of Bethel University, Dr. Walter Butler announced his plans to retire on December 31, 2023 shortly after turning 70.