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City of McKenzie

New Fiscal Year Budget Presented

Beeler Appointed to City Council


Having trouble? Watch the full video of the workshop and council meeting HERE.

McKENZIE (May 9) — On Thursday, as part of the regular City Council meeting, the City of McKenzie presented the 2024-25 budget. Along with the first reading of the budget, the Council approved the resignation of Councilman Charles Pruneau and immediately accepted the nomination to appoint Drew Beeler to fill the vacancy.

In recent history, upon the acceptance of a councilperson’s resignation, the public has been notified of the vacancy, and letters/resumes stating interest in the position were provided to council members at the next monthly meeting. According to Mayor Ryan Griffin, the City Charter does not require public input/interest in filling the vacancies.

The 2024-25 budget was approved on the first reading. There will not be a property tax increase in the upcoming year. The property tax rate for each $100 assessed valuation for the general fund is as follows: Carroll County $0.6638, Henry County $0.5950, and Weakley County $0.7946.

The broad spectrum budget has the general fund revenue anticipated at $5,202,440.31. Local taxes are estimated at $2,707,358.75 and state shared taxes at $1,138,113.56.

The drug fund has an anticipated revenue of $27,900 while the water/sewer fund is estimated at $2,733,205 and solid waste at $582,500. The debt service fund has an estimated revenue of $541,500 and the theater fund is anticipated at $58,400.

Under appropriations (expenses):
The General Fund has total expenses of $5,199,387. The largest portion is segmented out to the Police Department at $1,910,969 and the Street Department at $1,288,201. Under the General Government, the budget is $975,975, the Fire Department is $542,739, and Tourism and Economic Development is budgeted at $56,150.

The Drug Fund budgeted at $3,200. The Theatre Fund’s budget is $56,060. Solid Waste has a budget of $494,924 while the Debt Service Fund is valued at $468,271. The Water and Sewer Fund is at $2,596,420.32.

The second reading of the budget is June 13 and will go into effect July 1.

In other business, the Council approved the first reading of Ordinance 569 converting Broadway to a one-way street (additional information is available in a separate story). The Council also approved the appointments of Tim Beeler to the Planning Commission and Dennis Coleman to the Housing Authority.

Three ordinances were passed on the second reading: Ordinance 565 amending the text dealing with liquor stores; Ordinance 566 amending fireworks sale dates and ages; and Ordinance 567 adopting State Wastewater Regulations. The Council approved Resolution 24-0000 authorizing a City Election. The November election will open Council seats held by Drew Beeler, Jessie Townes, and Josefina Batton.

The next regular meeting of the Council is June 13 at 6 p.m. at the McKenzie City Hall.

Video timestamps of interest:
0:58:11 - end of the workshop meeting and beginning of photos of Broadway Street.
0:58:55 - beginning of regular council meeting
0:59:51 - roll call
1:00:31 - second reading ordinance zoning
1:01:00 - Second reading of fireworks ordinance
1:01:40 - ordinance 567 state water waste regulations
1:02:12 - Tim Beeler appointed to planning commission
1:02:48 - Dennis Coleman appointed to housing authority
1:04:05 - November Election
1:04:42 - first reading of 2024-2025 budget
1:05:19 - first reading Broadway one-way ordinance
1:20:19 - City attorney Beau Pemberton addresses council
1:26:22 - Motion to table the ordinance until June
1:27:42 - motion to table fails on roll call
1:37:11 - motion to approve first reading of Broadway street ordinance
1:38:13 - Charles Pruneau resignation
1:46:08 - Appointment of Drew Beeler to finish out Mr. Pruneau’s term
1:46:55 - Mayor explains Beeler appointment
1:48:53 - Drew Beeler sworn in
1:49:52 - Department head reports